Work package 4:
System configurator as a planning aid

Work steps:

  1. Development of a system configurator:
    A powerful system configurator is being developed to enable the dimensioning of heat networks and heat pumps in conjunction with geothermal systems. This tool provides a user-friendly interface for entering relevant parameters.
  2. Integration of economic feasibility studies and ecological analyses:
    The system configurator is being expanded to include modules that can perform economic feasibility and ecological analyses.This enables the comparative evaluation of different system concepts within the scope of feasibility studies.
  3. Development of a dimensioning tool for KNWN:
    A specialized dimensioning tool is developed, which considers the requirements of cold local heating networks.Aspects such as typologies, type variants, simultaneity factors, development potentials and heat source placement are considered.
  4. Consideration of supply islands and self-sufficient areas:
    The system configurator is extended to enable the mapping of supply islands and self-sufficient areas in energy system planning.Georeferenced heat networks play a decisive role in this.
  5. Further development of concurrency factors:
    Existing concurrency factors will be further developed to enable dynamic evaluation and optimization of KNWN.This contributes to precise dimensioning and optimized operation management.
  6. Support in the dimensioning of geothermal source systems:
    In cooperation with the department of geotechnical engineering, aspects of the dimensioning of geothermal source systems are considered to ensure a holistic integration into the system configurator.
  7. Development of interfaces to the geothermal grid information system:
    Necessary interfaces will be developed to seamlessly integrate the system configurator into the geothermal grid information system. This will ensure efficient data exchange.
  8. Review of the planning tool according to the planning requirements from practice:
    The developed system configurator is reviewed for its practicality and applicability using the developed guide for feasibility studies.

Work package 4 aims to provide planners and operators of KNWN with a powerful tool that enables efficient and precise planning as well as optimized system design.