Work package 1:
Practical requirements for the planning, approval and operation of cold local heating networks

Work steps:

  1. Identifying the challenges of feasibility studies and planning tasks for KNWN during the concept phase:
    This considers the complex tasks involved in preparing feasibility studies and planning tasks for KNWN. This includes the selection of appropriate planning tools and the consideration of the specific requirements of these systems.
  2. Identify challenges in permitting procedures:
    This step focuses on the practical difficulties encountered in connection with permitting procedures for near-surface geothermal plants and KNWN. The analysis helps to promote early coordination with the authorities and overcome potential hurdles.
  3. Identify practice challenges in KNWN operation and monitoring:
    Here we look at the requirements for effective KNWN operation and monitoring. It is about meeting performance standards, ensuring continuous operation, and minimizing outages.
  4. Identification of challenges regarding maintenance measures:
    The analysis focuses on the maintenance measures required to ensure smooth operation of KNWN. This includes aspects such as pressure maintenance, venting and maintenance of heat pumps in a passive network.
  5. Identifying the scientific perspective on challenges:
    This step looks at challenges from a scientific perspective. Insights are gained that are related to feasibility studies, planning tools, and permitting processes.
  6. Development of a guide for KNWN feasibility studies and planning concepts:
    The guide is being developed to provide a valuable resource to planners and operators. It summarizes the identified challenges from the previous work steps and integrates requirements for planning tools.
  7. Anforderungen an die Übertragbarkeit des Konzepts eines passiven KNWN:
    Dieser Aspekt betrachtet die Übertragbarkeit des Konzepts eines passiven KNWN auf verschiedene Standorte. Hierbei werden Anforderungen definiert, die berücksichtigt werden müssen, um eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung an unterschiedlichen Orten zu gewährleisten.

Work package 1 is the cornerstone for understanding the practical requirements and challenges of realizing KNWN. The findings will be incorporated into the further phases of the project and form a solid basis for the development of future KNWN projects.