The research project on the energy transition


The research project on the energy transition


The "GeoWaermeWende"

(FKZ: 03EN3059A)

Geoportal-based monitoring of a geothermally fed low temperature district heating network as a contribution to the heat transition with active user integration

The decarbonization of the building sector and the expansion of renewable energies are key challenges of the energy transition. In this context, shallow geothermal energy, as a base-load capable renewable energy source, plays a key role in the heating and cooling sector. The share of renewable energies in the heating sector can be increased via heating networks, in particular by using low temperature district heating and cooling networks (LTDHC). The planning and scalability of such innovative concepts currently still poses many challenges.

In this research project, a holistic planning platform for LTDHC in combination with shallow geothermal systems on the district level is developed. Components are a geothermal network information system for data aggregation and visualization, a heat network system configurator for the combination of dimensioning, economic analyses and ecological evaluation criteria as well as calculation tools for the areas of buildings, heat pumps, heat networks and underground. With the consideration of all system levels, a comprehensive planning and optimization of such energy systems is made possible and new scientific knowledge about the mutual influence of geothermal source plants and heat grids as well as seasonal heat and cold storage in the shallow subsurface is generated.

Tool chains and the concept of a passive LTDHC will be demonstrated based on an existing district with an implemented LTDHC. Monitoring data will be used within the project for operational optimization as well as for 3D visualization of the subsurface heat network. 

With the demonstration of the scientific findings based on an implemented district in Schifferstadt, the heat transition can be tested under real conditions close to the market.
The Institute of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Building (E3D) is the coordinator of the project.

Project term: 05.2022 – 04.2025

Project partner:

RWTH Aachen (E3D)

E3D - Lehrstuhl für Energieeffizientes Bauen

RWTH Aachen (GUT)

Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology (GUT)

RWTH Aachen (gia)

Geodetic Institute and Chair of Construction Informatics and Geoinformation Systems (gia

Stadtwerke Schifferstadt

Transferstelle Bingen

in der ITB gGmbH

Internet Marketing Services GmbH


BMWK, funding code 03EN3059A

Die Toolkette

The tool chain represents the project priorities. Based on the implemented KNWN of Stadtwerke Schifferstadt, the requirements for the system are defined and the practical use of a networked energy system is shown.

The core of the research work is the establishment and further development of a planning platform for near-surface geothermal systems at the neighborhood level, which ensures transferability to other regions. Within the platform, calculation tools and simulations are to be linked to each other as well as to economic and ecological considerations in order to evaluate the feasibility of projects in early project phases.

For this purpose, a system configurator for the dimensioning of geothermal heat networks is being developed, which takes into account technical, energetic, economic and ecological aspects and can be coupled to various simulations and calculation approaches.

Current information

Here you can read the latest blog entries and news about the GeoWaermeWende research project.


Presence Meeting in Schifferstadt

On August 29, the GeoWaermeWende project met in Schifferstadt. Beyond digital meetings, this face-to-face meeting enabled direct exchange and presentation of current results. Thanks to all participants for the dedicated meeting and the constructive discussions. Another step for a successful project progress!

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First digital meeting of the project advisory board

On June 13, experts met at the digital meeting of the GeoWaermeWende project. Goal: To consult and further develop the project from different perspectives. With lively discussions and detailed presentations, the exchange was intense. Thanks to all participants, including the German Heat Pump Association (Bundesverband Wärmepumpe, BWP).

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The project is coordinated by:

Responsible Project Manager: