
Successful kick-off meeting of the research project GeoWaermeWende

The participants of "GeoWaermeWende" met for a project kickoff meeting. It was hosted by Stadtwerke Schifferstadt, who have been operating a low temperature district heating and cooling network (LTDHCN) since 2017. The LTDHCN is the central research object of the project. Industry partners of Transferstelle Bingen (TSB) and Internet Marketing Services GmbH, Dr. Loll from Project Management Jülich (PtJ), and a consortium of the RWTH consisting of the Geodetic Institute and Chair for Computing in Civil Engineering & Geo Information Systems (gia), the Chair of Geotechnical Engineering and Institute of Geomechanics and Underground Technology (GUT), and the Institute of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Building (E3D) (coordination) participated.

In addition to some administrative agenda items and an informative introduction to the history of the LTDHCN by the Stadtwerke, the various work packages and topics of the project were discussed, and initial ideas exchanged. We are proud to be part of this research project and look forward to exciting challenges and a constructive cooperation.